Building an electric guitar from a 3D-printer: First prototype

The concept was to build all parts of an E-Guitar from PLA besides the tuning pegs, the bridge, the truss rod and of course the pickups and the rest of the electronics.

For the 3D design I used Sketchup 2016. Because of the small printing area of my 3D-printer Renkforce RF 1000 I had to design the following 16 parts.

The fretboard parts:


The two neck parts:


The head plate:


The solid body parts:



The hollow body parts including cover plates:

All parts were glued togehter:

And the additonal parts were build in:



And here it is:


In principle it is working, but the main shortcoming is that the hole guitar neck is swinging a lot. This results in changes of the tone pitch by bendingĀ  the guitar neck with the hand. Jimi Hendrix probably would have loved it but to correct this undesired behaviour I had to go back to the start and redesign the prototyp. News on prototyp 2 are coming in the following weeks.

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